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ISMIR2004 Audio Description Contest

The Audio Description Contest took place during the 5th ISMIR Conference in Barcelona, Spain, October 10-14 2004.

The goal of this Contest was to compare state-of-the-art audio algorithms and systems relevant for Music Information Retrieval. We acknowledge that the proposed contest does not represent the vast and multidisciplinary field of MIR, but it is the area where the conference organisers have databases and could organize contests.

  • The evaluation metrics were agreed among the participants.
  • Some data was made available to participants, so that the output of the algorithms could be verified on the testing environment.
  • We provided training or preparatory data as far as copyright licenses allowed, otherwise we provided the metadata needed to univocally identify the data.
  • Evaluation took place at our labs before the conference.
  • Algorithms were also tested against a set of distortions, namely equalization, mp3 encoding/decoding, resampling, noise addition, cell-phone effect, etc. The robustness tests depended on the specific contest.

Contest categories:
Genre Classification/Artist Identification
Melody Extraction
Tempo Induction
Rhythm Classification

Winners of ISMIR2004 contest:
Elias Pampalk (Genre Classification)
Dan Ellis/Brian Whitman (Artist Identification)
Rui Pedro Paiva (Melody Extraction)
Anssi Klapuri (Tempo Induction)
Thomas Lidy/Andreas Rauber/Andreas Pesenhofer (Rhythm Classification)

Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Institut Universitari de l'Audiovisual