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ISMIR 2004 Tutorials

Date: Sunday, 10th of October 2004
Time: 4:00 PM -  7:00 PM

1. Machine Learning for Music Information Retrieval
Sally Jo Cunningham and David Bainbridge
This tutorial will provide an overview of machine learning techniques and their applications in music information retrieval. We will look at the algorithms through case studies of published research in using machine learning for music or text information retrieval. Included in the tutorial will be a demonstration of Weka, an open-source machine learning workbench that incorporates many of the popular learning algorithms. Weka is widely used both in research and for commercial learning applications.
This is an introductory tutorial, and assumes no prior knowledge of machine learning.

2. Software Frameworks for Analysis of Audio and Music Signals
Xavier Amatriain and George Tzanetakis
The tutorial will describe how software frameworks can be used for research and development in the context of Music Information Retrieval (MIR). It will be divided in two parts. In the first one we will give a general overview of such frameworks with emphasis of MIR. We will discuss the main features and advantages/disadvantages of using Matlab compared to more focused frameworks such as CSL, OSW, SndObj, Marsyas or CLAM. In the second part we will give a more in-depth overview of two of these frameworks: Marsyas and CLAM. We will talk about the general underlying model and show some of its applications in the MIR arena.

3. Musical Knowledge, Computational Models and Retrieval
Elaine Chew
Approaches to music information retrieval that are grounded in musical Intuition and knowledge can exploit the multiple levels of musical structure to increase efficiency and lend insights into the retrieval process. The tutorial will provide a gentle introduction to musical concepts, with a focus on pitch structure, and an overview of computational models for tonal induction, approximation and segmentation. The algorithms will be based mainly on the Spiral Array model, a geometric model for tonality that represents and summarizes tonal entities in 3D space. The musical features extracted computationally will be verified aurally. Implications for, and applications to, music information retrieval will be discussed. The tutorial assumes no musical knowledge, only open ears and some musical intuition.
>> Download slides as pdf (6 MB)

Other than the ISMIR 2004 conference events, the tutorial sessions will take place in the França building of Pompeu Fabra University (red in map), rooms 210, 212, and 216:

Passeig de Circumval·lació, 8. 08003 Barcelona
Phone: 93 542 25 00. Fax: 93 542 24 51

How to get there:

Public transport
Bus: 14, 17, 36, 39, 45, 51, 57, 59, 64, 157
Underground: Barceloneta (L4)
RENFE: Arc de Triomf (C1, C3, C4) and França station (R2, R5, R6, R7)


Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Institut Universitari de l'Audiovisual